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HHP Students Win Awards at NCHP Annual Meeting.
Graduate Students from HHP's Center for Neuromotor and Biomechanics Research (CNBR) were among the winners of a student research competition held on the side lines of the annual meeting of the The National Center for Human Performance (NCHP). Two HHP students won awards for their poster presentations.
2nd place: Craig Workman for his poster titled "Effects of static stretching during the instep soccer kick"
3rd place: Recep Ali Ozdemir for his poster titled "Prediction of postural control performance both in blind and sighted individuals: the role of lower body strength and proprioception."
HHP student Recep Ozdemir with his award in the student poster presentation (scroll down for more images)
The Annual meeting of the NCHP was held on November 3-4, 2011 and featured Dr. Jeffery Davis, Director of NASA -Space Life Sciences at the Johnson Space Center and Dr. Albert Rizzo from the University of Southern California. HHP faculty Dr. Layne, Dr. Paloski, Dr. Liu and Dr. Gornaik attended the meeting along with graduate students from the CNBR.